Section 139 Implementation
Get the definitive guide now
Section 139 Qualified Disaster Relief Payments represent the biggest tax planning opportunity of 2020 and will likely be a benefit you consider continuing long after the effects of Covid-19 have subsided.
Why? Because payments made under this plan are deductible to the employer but are not considered taxable income to the employee. But the payments have to qualify and you’ll want to be sure you’ve structured the plan appropriately. To get the complete guide, including editable template forms and PDF checklists, click to buy now. Your Quick Start guide to implementing Section 139 for your business includes:
An implementation checklist to make sure you’re completing every step
A detailed FAQ written in plain language
The complete text of Section 139 to use as a reference guide
Templated Employee Request and Acknowledgment forms that you can edit in Doc format
Templated Qualified Disaster Relief Payments Plan document that you can edit and customize to your own business’ needs
but that’s not all… keep reading!
Calculate the savings
We’re also providing you a calculator with detailed guidance about how to determine which benefits apply to which groups of employees, and how to calculate the savings potential for both your business AND your employees.
Here’s an example: A company wants to send bonus checks to their employees for $1000 each to 100 employees. The $100,000 of checks will cost the company $7650 in social security and medicare taxes. Then if the employees are in a 20% federal tax rate and 5% state tax rate, it’ll cost them another $25k in income taxes. The same payments being made as Section 139 Qualified Disaster Relief Payments save all the taxes, or collectively $32,650! Ready to invest $149 to set up this program for your business? Click below!
And if not, keep reading!
Video Walkthrough and support
Not only will you get the documents and calculator, but we’ve also created an overview video that will guide you through the components of the kit. Implementing Section 139 payments in your organization can happen in a day with this program. You’ll also have the opportunity to return here to submit questions that you have pertaining to Section 139 payments and we’ll review them to add to the guide periodically.
Have you purchased the quick-start guide and have a question that wasn’t answered in our FAQ? Submit it below and we’ll respond and update the guide if appropriate!