Category Archives: Taxes

Why you should start your year-end tax planning now

year end tax planning for creative business

So, let’s kick off this blog with some bad news. There are very few changes you can make after year-end to positively impact your tax situation. Why? Because many deductions and tax planning strategies have to be implemented during the tax year (or at least by December 31). The best time to get things in […]

Hey, why do I have a penalty if I filed an extension?

tax penalty, file extension

Have you ever filed an extension for your tax return but still received a penalty from the IRS? Well, you’re certainly not the first to assume that filing an extension prevented a penalty. It’s particularly frustrating if you thought you were playing by the administrative rules. Being on top of your admin and your finances […]

Why a mid-year tax check in is a ‘must have’ for your business.

Basing your tax return on government estimates can cost you in more ways than one Being a business owner is an incredible achievement. Whether you’re a freelancer,  self-employed or have a team of employees—serious kudos for making your skills pay. We’re willing to bet that if you’ve made a business out of it, then you […]

How can I manage expenses for my creative business?

You started your creative business because you were following your passion. Surprisingly enough, that passion wasn’t expense management. But, in order to build a long-term, sustainable career doing what you love, good accounting is vital. Here are our top three tips for managing expenses so you can stay compliant and stay profitable as you grow […]

I missed my 1099s deadline. What do I do now?

You’ve just received a heartstopping email. One of your vendors is asking why you didn’t send them their 1099. The deadline has long since passed, and now you’re half expecting the IRS to bang down your door threatening audits and penalties. What do you do? Don’t panic Around February of every year, we see a […]

How do I make a plan knowing my book royalties aren’t forever?

There’s nothing more thrilling than opening your first royalty check. The hours and hours of hard work you put into your book are coming to fruition, and now you have a nice juicy deposit for the bank. But, soon after that excitement, the doubt starts pouring in. How can you live off one or two […]

How do I turn my hobby into a creative business?

creative business cpa

What’s the difference between a hobby and a business? For most of us, this line can get pretty blurred, especially when you’re striving to build a business out of your creative passion. But, in the eyes of the IRS, there’s a very clear distinction: Businesses can offset losses against money they make elsewhere. Hobbies can’t. […]

Are my client gifts tax deductible?

      Nothing gets us all in the giving mood like the holiday season. After a long year, you’re looking to spread a little extra cheer and goodwill to your employees, clients, and associates in the form of some thoughtful gifts. But you find yourself wondering: is that box of chocolates or basket of […]

Tax Season FAQs

We’re excited to work with you this tax season! Here are a few frequently asked questions we’ve heard over the years. Have a question you want to add to the list? Leave us a comment below or send us an email at! How do I get my tax forms and other documents to Revel? […]

R&D Tax Credits: All Your Questions Answered 

You might not think what you do as a creative entrepreneur counts as “research and development.” You’ve heard about R&D Tax Credits before but never thought you could be eligible for them. In fact, more businesses than ever are able to take advantage of these reductions on state and federal tax responsibilities, including those in […]