Tag Archives: Business/Growth

Understanding Your Business Worth: A Creative Entrepreneur’s Guide

Business Worth

  Ever wondered, “How much is my business worth?”   Well, you’re not alone. Whether you’re simply curious or thinking about selling your business, it’s a question that can leave even the most seasoned entrepreneurs scratching their heads.  But don’t worry! We’ve got your back. Here’s a breakdown of three common valuation methods to help […]

Your Business, Your Legacy: The Impact of Creative Entrepreneurship on Generational Wealth

Generational Wealth

Crafting Generational Wealth –Your Way As a creative entrepreneur, you’re not just building a business; you’re crafting a legacy that could benefit generations to come. Generational wealth can impact SO MANY things about a family’s lived experience–from education to healthcare outcomes to general economic stability. Your creative business can be a stepping stone to narrow […]

Creating Cashflow During the SAG/AFTRA Strike

Generate Income

10 ways actors can generate income during challenging times For actors, the idea of a union strike can be daunting—bringing with it the temporary halt in their regular income and career momentum. However, with a bit of resourcefulness and creativity, there are several avenues actors can explore to generate income and stay engaged with their […]

I’m transitioning my accounting to Revel. What’s it like?

Switching to Revel

  We’re glad you asked. Hey, switching to a new accountant is a big thing. We know you’ve got a busy schedule. You’re putting your talents and long hours into building an empire and change just ain’t easy.  Let’s look at what to expect when you move your accounting to us. We start new clients […]

How can I manage expenses for my creative business?

You started your creative business because you were following your passion. Surprisingly enough, that passion wasn’t expense management. But, in order to build a long-term, sustainable career doing what you love, good accounting is vital. Here are our top three tips for managing expenses so you can stay compliant and stay profitable as you grow […]

How can I protect my sh*t when building a creative business?

You’ve read all the horror stories online: creatives getting their intellectual property nabbed by massive corporations or being paid pennies for something that went on to put millions in someone else’s pocket. Now, you’re starting your own creative business, and you’ve vowed not to let anything like that happen to you. Your time, work, and […]

How can I make hiring decisions in an uncertain income environment?

In creative industries, revenues aren’t guaranteed. You often can’t count on a certain amount of income a month, or maybe you’re left relying on large deposits hitting your accounts just a couple times a year. With all this uncertainty, how can you make smart hiring decisions to get all the help you need? Through a […]

How do I make a plan knowing my book royalties aren’t forever?

There’s nothing more thrilling than opening your first royalty check. The hours and hours of hard work you put into your book are coming to fruition, and now you have a nice juicy deposit for the bank. But, soon after that excitement, the doubt starts pouring in. How can you live off one or two […]

The Mini-MBA for Creative Entrepreneurs: Minding Your Business

You’ve got something unique. The W2, 9-5 life has never been your style, so you’re striving to transform your creative passion into a business. But let’s face it: nobody prepared you for this. You don’t know where to start, and your Google search results just aren’t cutting it. Neither are the Instagram Lives, the TikToks […]

How do I lead my business with values?

Whether you’re building your own business or have been tasked with leading a team, it’s impossible to imagine doing so without also setting the tone for the values of that team. You attract the types of people that resonate with your culture, and values are the DNA of any team. So you have a choice […]