Category Archives: Uncategorized

We have a “no BS” attitude when it comes to your taxes. Here’s why. 

Taxes done right

Let’s get straight to it. A sketchy CPA who “finds all the loopholes” is the last thing you want. When it comes to creative business owners, people often think their CPA will get creative with their tax return too. Well, we just can’t do that. We have a “no BS” attitude when it comes to […]

Top 10 Things To Know About PPP Round 2

What does the second round of PPP funding mean for me and my business? Are there restrictions on what I can use the PPP funds for? And how do I make sure I am making the most of the funding? These questions and more are probably running through your mind at top speed as we roll into the second round of PPP funding. To help, we’ve put together a list of the 10 things you should know about the second round of PPP funding.

Five Things You Must Know About the Simplified PPP Forgiveness App

After a lot of debate, wondering, and speculation, the SBA announced on October 8th that there would be a new process for companies that received PPP loans of $50,000 or less. According to data presented by the SBA in previous releases, these smallest size loans represent roughly 3.5 million of the total loans issued, or […]

How much of my PPP will be forgiven?

covid 19

There’s new recent guidance that’s come out about the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) from the SBA. The PPP loan forgiveness provisions are pretty complicated, and if you want to dig into the specifics of what applies to your business, we highly recommend you review this guidance in detail. (Note: guidance as of 5/22/2020) If you’re […]

Can I apply for both the EIDL and the PPP?

eidl help

Lately, we’ve heard a number of questions from folks wondering if they’re able to apply for BOTH the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) AND the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Short answer: Absolutely. Slightly longer answer… These two programs are very different in their intent, structure, and process even though they both happen to be administered […]

How do you get through to the IRS right now?

man phoning irs

In 15 years in this profession, I’ve seen the phone lines at the IRS go down a few times. Usually it’s the result of a congressional budget debate that’s caused the federal government to shut down temporarily. But I can’t remember a single time yet where the practitioner priority line (the line that CPAs and […]